[StBernard] Governor Jindal's Vision for a New Republican Party

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Mon Jan 28 10:27:43 EST 2013

This week, Governor Jindal gave a speech at the Republican National
Committee's winter meeting where he refuted President Obama's liberal vision
for America and outlined his vision for the new Republican Party - a party
focused on growth.

You can watch the Governor's entire speech here -- Governor Jindal at
Republican National Committee Meeting

And you can read it here -- Washington Examiner: Bobby Jindal's dynamite
speech to the Republican National Committee in Charlotte

Below is a sample of what some are saying about the speech:

James Hohmann, Politico: "Watch out, Washington: Bobby Jindal called
Thursday on Republicans to take an ax to the federal government." (James
Hohmann, "Bobby Jindal to GOP: Don't be 'the stupid party,'" Politico,

* Hohmann: "His dinnertime speech articulated a version of Ronald
Reagan's "New Federalism" on steroids." (James Hohmann, "Bobby Jindal to
GOP: Don't be 'the stupid party,'" Politico, 1/24/13)

Chris Moody, Yahoo! News: "Rebutted Obama. And Offered A Counter Philosophy"
"Jindal rebutted Obama's defense earlier this week for a robust and active
federal government and offered a counter philosophy focused on growing
private businesses beyond Washington without relying on the engine of the
federal government." (Chris Moody, "Jindal takes on Obama, challenges GOP to
redefine party," Yahoo! News, 1/24/13)

* Moody: "His address, audaciously sent to the press under a banner
reading 'Gov. Jindal to Refute President Obama's Liberal Vision for
America,' lived up to its name." (Chris Moody, "Jindal takes on Obama,
challenges GOP to redefine party," Yahoo! News, 1/24/13)

* Moody: "It may have been the most sweeping argument against the
president's agenda since the beginning of Obama's second term." (Chris
Moody, "Jindal takes on Obama, challenges GOP to redefine party," Yahoo!
News, 1/24/13)

Salena Zito, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "Jindal speech populist in tone and
a good argument for the Republicans to move ahead." (@SalenaZitoTrib,
Twitter, 1/24/13)

* Zito: "Jindal offered committee members a brand new challenge and
tells them we have to stop being the stupid party." (@SalenaZitoTrib,
Twitter, 1/24/13)

Gregory Wallace, CNN: "The Louisianan's remarks further positioned himself
as a forward-looking voice among the Republicans." (Gregory Wallace, "Jindal
urges GOP to stop being 'stupid,'" CNN, 1/24/13)

Mark Preston, CNN: "To Jindal, G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T is a four-letter word,
and he slammed the GOP for enabling Democrats to use it to their political
advantage. The sharp delivery of Jindal's Republican scolding was conveyed
as sternly as a 19th-century school teacher would rap a child's knuckles for
daring to curse aloud." (Mark Preston, "Analysis: Jindal lays down 2016
marker," CNN, 1/25/13)

Justin Sink, The Hill: "A Fiery And Sharp Critique." "Louisiana Gov. Bobby
Jindal warned fellow Republicans they 'must stop being the stupid party'
during a fiery and sharp critique Thursday night at the Republican National
Committee's Winter Meeting." (Justin Sink, "Bobby Jindal: GOP needs to 'stop
being the stupid party,'" The Hill, 1/25/13)

* Sink: "Served To Underscore The Theme Of The . Retreat . Rebooting
The GOP Brand." "But [Jindal's] keynote address also served to underscore
the theme of the entire Republican retreat, which has been singularly
focused on rebooting the GOP brand." (Justin Sink, "Bobby Jindal: GOP needs
to 'stop being the stupid party,'" The Hill, 1/25/13)

Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner: "Bobby Jindal Wowed Conservatives."
"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal wowed conservatives at the annual Republican
National Committee meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, last night with a
stinging indictment of how Republicans are running the party in Washington."
(Conn Carroll, "Bobby Jindal goes big with small ball," Washington Examiner,

Steve Peoples, Associated Press: "Blunt Remarks." "The Louisiana governor's
blunt remarks follow criticism from another high-profile Republican based
outside Washington who publicly blasted the Republican leadership on Capitol
Hill: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie." (Steve Peoples, "'Stop being the
stupid party,' Louisiana governor tells Republicans," Associated Press,

Rebekah Metzler, US News & World Report: ".Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal used
his keynote address Thursday to call out the weaknesses he sees in the GOP
and share his vision for the future." (Rebekah Metzler, "Bobby Jindal, GOP
Leaders Aim to Rebrand the Republican Party, US News & World Report,

Jim Geraghty, National Review: "I really like Louisiana governor Bobby
Jindal, and I think his fan club is only going to grow in the years ahead."
(Jim Geraghty, "Morning Jolt - January 25, 2013," National Review, 1/25/13)

Daniel Halper, Weekly Standard: "Jindal encouraged his fellow Republicans to
think bigger." (Daniel Halper, "Jindal: 'America Is Not The Federal
Government,'" Weekly Standard, 1/25/13)

Karl Rove: "ICYMI: @BobbyJindal great speech to the RNC." (@KarlRove,
Twitter, 1/25/13)

Peter Suderman, Reason: ".Jindal did manage to deliver a rare thing: a major
political speech that's actually worth reading." (Peter Suderman, "Bobby
Jindal's (Almost) Radical GOP Reformism," Reason, 1/25/13)

CBN: "Louisiana's Republican governor is challenging his party to change."
("Bobby Jindal to GOP: 'Stop Being the Stupid Party,'" Christian
Broadcasting Network, 1/25/13)

Harold Mass, The Week: "Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is pulling no punches in
offering fellow Republicans his prescription for patching up the party after
a rough November election." (Harold Mass, "Can Bobby Jindal rescue the GOP?"
The Week, 1/25/13)

John Hayward, Human Events: "Jindal makes a killer point." "Jindal makes a
killer point when he discusses the inherent corruption of Big Government,
which has 'spent a generation trying to bribe our citizens and extort our
states.' Republicans should make a bigger deal about that." (John Hayward,
"Bobby Jindal vs the Stupid Party," Human Events, 1/25/13)

Haley Barbour: "Bobby Jindal is exactly right, we need to make the truth
obvious to voters." (Haley Barbour, CBS's This Morning, 1/25/13)

Carol Costello, CNN: "We have to stop being the stupid party, strong words
from one of the young stars of the GOP." (CNN's Newsroom, 1/25/13)

Anna Navarro, CNN: ".Bobby Jindal is doing exactly the right thing. He's got
every right to do it." (CNN's Newsroom, 1/25/13)

Robert Traynham, NPR: "I'm hearing from both sides of this argument that
most are saying thank you. Thank you that finally someone has the courage
within the party to speak the truth to power..." (MSNBC's Live, 1/25/13)

John Avlon, CNN: "There is a lot to admire in Jindal's speech - first and
foremost the courage it took to challenge his party in unvarnished terms so
soon after a stinging election loss." (John Avlon, "Jindal, courage is not
enough," CNN, 1/25/13)

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