[StBernard] Marriage

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Mar 27 21:17:58 EDT 2013

he primary reason no culture has ever sanctioned homosexual "marriage" is
that homosexual unions do not produce what sex is supposed to produce:

Homosexual "marriage" is cultural and economic freeloading, where those that
don't produce children demand the status and the economic benefits of being
married, but don't produce children to defend the nation, pay taxes, and pay
into retirement systems, etc.

Says the homosexual: "Your child - the product of your union - has to pay
into the social security system for me, but I don't have to produce children
to pay into the social security system for you."

We live in an age that sees population growth (and therefore people -
particularly children) as effectively an evil. Were we to see children as a
good, and a way to build society, this connection would be more easily made
- even to Supreme Court Justices. Even Whitney Houston (RIP) understood that
the children are our future. Alas, even Whitney Houston, it seems, was wiser
than The Nine in many ways.

But contraception and abortion amongst heterosexuals is seen as a sacrament
of modern day life. The Nine have supposedly found a "fundamental right to
privacy" in the Constitution, yet they sanction violations of privacy in
virtually every realm except that of intercourse, revealing what their
so-called "fundamental right to privacy" really is: a "fundamental right to
screw anything and everything."

And so the connection between marriage, sex and children on the modern mind
is easily lost. Marriage - even heterosexual marriage - has simply come to
be regarded as nothing more than the transitory blessing by the government
of one or another sex act.

Saints Joseph and Michael, protectors of children, pray for us.

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