[StBernard] Kudos to Sen. Ted Cruz - thank you!

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Nov 15 08:14:42 EST 2013

Let's give credit where credit is due. "It was" Senator Ted Cruz's
filibuster that nationally exposed the flaws and deceit of Obamacare. It
forced the national media to report it and bring it to the forefront of
discussion from every political talk show to the dinner table in homes. As
a result of Cruz's efforts - which were then criticized - now, today, Barack
Obama caved to the pressure and is at least allowing a one year reprieve so
people can "keep their current plans if they like it" - as Obama had
originally promised before reneging on it.

Hopefully, the national media will give kudos where it's deserved. The
national headlines "should" read: "Cruz Raved - and Obama Caved."

-John Scurich

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