[StBernard] God's Closet clothing ministry offered at First Baptist of Chalmette

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sat Aug 30 00:23:10 EDT 2014

God's Closet clothing ministry offered at First Baptist of Chalmette
Print Earl Hodges By Earl Hodges 
on August 27, 2014 at 10:31 AM, updated August 27, 2014 at 10:37 AM

The Rev. John Dee Jeffries has been pastor of First Baptist Church of
Chalmette for more than two decades, and the New Orleans native and former
New Orleans firefighter has dedicated his life to helping meet the physical
and  spiritual needs of people in St. Bernard Parish.

Since 1990, Jeffries has been encouraging and challenging the members of
First Baptist Church to follow the "example of Jesus in helping and serving

And one of the ways the church has done this is by establishing God's
Closet, a ministry which helps people who need assistance with clothes and
other household items.

"Money is tight and the economy is tough," Jeffries said.  "And in today's
challenging economy many families are struggling to pay for rent, utilities
and food."

To assist local families, God's Closet, will hold a brown bag and giant yard
sale Sept.. 6 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.  The sale will be held at First Baptist
Church of Chalmette, 305 East St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette.

For a  $5 or $7 donation participants can fill a brown bag with shirts,
jeans or shorts.

Other items, including toys, household items, children and adult clothes,
shoes, purses, books, belts and ties will also be available.  

"The brown bag and giant yard sale will serve two purposes," Jeffries said.
"First, it will help people who need the items that will be available and
secondly  any proceeds that are made will be reinvested in God's Closet."

"We (First Baptist Church of Chalmette) want to reach out to the community
and help," Jeffries said.  "Our staff is constantly brainstorming and
looking for ways to serve St. Bernard Parish."

First Baptist Church of Chalmette, like almost every house of worship in St.
Bernard Parish, had to rebuild its building as well as its  membership after
the devastation of Hurricane Katrina nine years ago.

"Even though we had to rebuild after Katrina, I think our ministry outreach
to St. Bernard Parish is greater and more effective than it was before the
storm," Jeffries said.

Other outreach activities of First Baptist Church have included getting
people to donate used school uniforms for families who need help purchasing
uniforms and establishing a food pantry.  The church also has a food for
seniors program and a day care for children which includes before and after

"There is  so much that still needs to be done," Jeffries said.  "And to
some people holding a brown bag  and giant yard sale may not seem like a big
deal.  But for families who are struggling to make ends meet  it can make a
big difference.  And we want to help make a difference in the lives of the
people in St. Bernard Parish."

For information about the brown bag and giant yard sale or other ministries
of First Baptist Church of Chalmette call 504.277.2939.

Earl Hodges writes about events and people at houses of worship in St.
Bernard Parish.  He can be contacted at earlhodges at msn.com.

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