[StBernard] September is National Preparedness Month

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Sep 3 01:20:42 EDT 2014

September is National Preparedness Month

President Peralta Urges Residents to Get a Game Plan


President Peralta encourages the public to get a game plan to protect
themselves, their families and their homes in the event of severe weather or
other emergencies.  September is often a very active time for hurricanes or
smaller tropical systems that threaten the state.


GOHSEP Director Kevin Davis says, "Emergency managers at the state, local
and federal levels work year round to be prepared for a crisis. National
Preparedness Month is a time to examine your emergency game plan and restock
your emergency supplies."  Davis says, "Take a moment to do that now,
because we also face the potential threats associated with thunderstorms,
flooding and industrial accidents which can involve little or no warning." 


Families and individuals should have an emergency plan that outlines what
they will do if they have to shelter in place because of an emergency and
what they will do if they have to evacuate.  Emergency kits should include
any items to help you get through both of those situations. 


The kit should include, among other supplies: flashlights, extra batteries,
battery-powered radio and lantern, a first aid kit, canned food and a
non-electric can opener, special medical items for any members of the family
with special needs, high energy foods like peanut butter and jelly, crackers
and granola bars, a utility knife, plastic sheeting or tarps, protective
clothing and rainwear, a change of clothes for each family member and at
least three gallons of water per person and pet.


Gathering supplies in one place will help families locate them in the event
of a power outage. If a family must leave its home, the kit can go with


For more information go to:  www.getagameplan.org

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