[WASTE-list] Fwd: Maintainer for WTextView needed

Marco Piovanelli marco.piovanelli at pobox.com
Fri Nov 25 19:10:49 EST 2005

David Phillip Oster asked me to forward the following
message to the list:

---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Subject: Maintainer for WTextView needed
Date Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 12:07
From: David Phillip Oster <oster at ieee.org>
To: waste at lists.letterrip.com

WTextView is the PowerPlant wrapper for the Worldscript Aware Styled
Text Engine (WASTE) by Marco Piovanelli. WTextView is by Timothy

Marco is revising WASTE to use Unicode instead of Worldscript.

I have been maintaining WTextView on
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/wtextview/> and
<http://wtextview.sourceforge.net/>, but I no longer have time to make
the changes to WTextView to have it use the new WASTE.

I want a new maintainer to take up the baton, someone who will make the
necessary changes, and put them up on the web site.

Just as Timothy Paustian passed maintenance of the web site to me, I'd
like to pass it on to someone else.

You must continue to make the WTextView available, and not put
additional restrictions on the license.

You'll get the username/password pairs to the web site, and the
gratitude of the community.

David Phillip Oster

----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------

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