[WASTE-list] waste view

Brother Josef thykeeper at nerdshack.com
Thu May 24 20:31:38 EDT 2007

Sorry I didn't respond in my other posts, I just discovered my spam
filter started tossing out the waste list...

on setting up waste as a HIView...

I don't know what i'm doing to upset WASTE but calling
WENewViewWithCGContext with a predefined CGContext or leaving the
field null and setting it later caused crashing (in
InvokeWEUndoUPP?). I'm using the 3.0.2. I also noticed the waste demo
in the package is "damaged or incomplete". maybe some bugs?

Do i need to setup a WEView to prevent it from drawing "over" the
current context? for example, say an image was draw over the text the
next time waste flashes the carrot it will draw over the text, white
background and all.

Also, i would like to comment on the confusion converting between
coordinate systems. Using HIView and Quartz origins are often not
what waste expects and in the case of WEAdjustCursor I have no idea
where waste thinks it is. With trial and error I got most of it
worked out, but it sure was confusing. What coordinate system does
waste prefer? i feel like it's using both Quartz and QD...

otherwise it seems to be creating a functional HIView as expected.
thanks for your ideas.


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