Tower on Hanging Rock depot

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Thu May 23 11:26:14 EDT 2024

 Frank,Although it was not as ornamental, the Rural Retreat Depot also had a tower. It was shortened in the 1949 remodel, we think. The remains of the stairs are inside the wall of the waiting room, and were discovered during restoration. 
Frank Akers, AY
    On Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 08:16:17 AM EDT, NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list at> wrote:  
 Good morning:

Please see:  Was the tower merely decorative on the Hanging Rock, Ohio, depot or did it serve a purpose.  I do not recall other N&W depots with this feature.

Thank you,

Frank Scheer
f_scheer at
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