Model Committee Convention Report

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Wed Jun 19 13:30:59 EDT 2024

It was my privilege to attend the N&WHS convention this year in Roanoke
affording me the opportunity to reunite with long time friends as well as
make new ones. It was also my honor to be asked to chair the society's
model committee.

One of my first responsibilities for the committee was to coordinate the
convention model contest, which has seen dwindling participation in recent
years. This year, however marked a resurgence in entries showcasing some
spectacular modeling efforts and I would like to thank everyone who took
the time and effort to bring an entry for display in the contest. Pictures
of this years models can be seen on the society's Facebook page at:

And without further ado, it gives me great pleasure to announce the winning
entries in the 2024 N&WHS modeling contest.

*Category* *Winner* * Entry*

Steam Gary Wood Class S-1 #279

Diesel Paul Weber Ex-Wabash F-7 #3671

Freight Car Paul Weber GKa, GKb gondolas #s 100256, 101481

Passenger Car Rick Stone BMh #1429

Caboose Paul Weber Ex-PWV, C-20 #500854

VGN Freight Car Jim Nichols VGN hopper class H-15 #27338

Structures Rick Stone Hand car house

I hope that seeing these wonderful contest entries will inspire each and
every one of you to start planning your own modeling project to produce a
winning entry in next years contest. And on that note, I have a request.
While you are going through the process of creating your masterpiece,
please take the time to make a few pictures or record some snippets of
video showing your techniques and progress at various stages of your
project. Many years ago, I did this when I was assembling one of the old
Ambroid CF caboose kits. After every few assembly steps, I would pull out
my then state of the art video camera that used full size VHS tapes, and
record a few seconds while describing what I had just done. I can still
remember being proud of filing copper wire to a half-round shape to
represent the rain guttering. At the end of your project, not only will you
have an awesome model for the contest, but also the brunt of a great
modeling article for the Arrow and/or the modeling section of the society's
website (which will be expanding significantly over the next few months
with your support).

I would be remiss if I did not give special mention to the fabulous diorama
exhibited by committee member Mike Rector. His modeling of the honey hole
is spectacular and the pictures alone do not begin to do it justice.

Finally, I would like to make an appeal for assistance. I am kicking off
several new projects for the model committee and one of the first is to
collect data on currently manufactured rolling stock that is a very good
match to an N&W or VGN prototype with an eye to doing special runs of these
cars for sales through the society. I you would be interested in
contributing to this database and/or becoming a member of the model
committee, please send me your contact information to:

jimdcochran at
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