dwarf signals NS in multiple parts (part 1)

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Fri Jun 21 18:22:42 EDT 2024

On the way to the convention, I stopped over in Bluefield and was fortunate
enough to be able to observe some switching (shunting) and the associated
dwarf signal indications.
It appears that the NS dwarves have 3 horizontal lights with green being
nearest the track controlled, followed by red and ending with amber.
It appears that one function of these signals is to indicate the status of
the associated switch as to "normal", "not established" and "reversed".  I
was able to get the attached shots as the switch was being thrown from
normal to reversed.  The first shows green and the switch is in normal
position.  The second shows red as the switch is changing.  And the third
shows amber and the switch is in reversed position.  This function of
indicating switch state was seemingly verified by documentation shown me by
Chris Dalton at his convention presentation.
Now this is all well and good, but stay tuned for our next exciting episode
where I see (and photograph) aspects that I didn't expect, don't
understand, and would really like some help in figuring out.
Jim Cochran
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