dwarf signals NS in multiple parts (part 3)

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sat Jun 22 09:49:11 EDT 2024

Previously I have mentioned that I was feeling pretty confident that I had
sussed out the green and yellow indications as "normal" and "reversed" for
the state of the associated switch.
However, I also got shots of conditions where multiple colors were
displayed simultaneously (see attached).  And this wasn't just temporary or
transitional as they persisted for many minutes.
Well, this was adding complexity and I couldn't get my head around what the
two-color aspects were trying to relate.  With three single and six
possible two-color combinations, not to mention I suppose they could flash
the lights if they really wanted to, the number of permutations for aspects
was growing rapidly in my mind.
But, now that I have reviewed these pictures a number of times and had some
time to consider it, I have a new working hypothesis that I believe
accounts for all the data.
Tune in to part 4 for my current conclusion(s).
Jim Cochran
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