dwarf signals NS in multiple parts (part 4)

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sat Jun 22 10:10:03 EDT 2024

Now let's suppose for a moment that I am correct about the function of the
green and yellow bulbs being switch position indicators.  There is really
no other "route" information needed as you know the switch is lined for
either the normal or diverging path.
Now imagine that the red light performs a completely separate function from
the other two and is housed in the same box with them simply for
convenience. What other types of information do signals convey?  Well,
control point signals provide route information and in conjunction with the
rule book, speed information as well . . . prescribed speed.  The other
type of signals are intermediates, and they provide block occupancy
What if the red light in the dwarves is there to indicate whether the track
ahead of the switch is occupied.  Then a red-green aspect would indicate
that the normal route for the switch was occupied, and a red-yellow aspect
would indicate that the reversed route for the switch was occupied.
Once again this is all speculation on my part (other than the info from
Chris D.), but check out this last sequence of photos which I think may
support my theory.  Note the movement is backing East (left) in these shots
taken short periods of time apart.
Thanks for your patience, and if anyone can add information, it will be
greatly appreciated,
Jim Cochran
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