Stack Paint Question

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at
Sat Jul 6 17:11:27 EDT 2024

 Don't know.  Some have suggested that the variations in paint schemes were more of a divisional preference.  Engines rebuilt at Portsmouth seem to have more of the graphite and unusual treatments, as opposed to other locations on the N&W. Notice that the cylinders seem to have a half treatment; the smokebox and firebox also have graphite.  One S1a at Columbus was painted in almost total graphite.  May have been the preference of the assigned master mechanic. This seems odd, especially since the N&W was a railroad that religiously went by standards.
Speaking of "Norfolk & Western" cab lettering, there was a remnant of a Class Z 2-6-6-2 cab in the basement of the Portsmouth Passenger Station/Scioto Division Offices that had been made into some kind of metal box, about waist high.  The lettering was turned up on it's side.  You could see  the number 14 and "Norfolk &" plainly.  Shame someone didn't save it.
Tim Hensley

    On Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 04:27:17 PM EDT, NW Mailing List via NW-Mailing-List <nw-mailing-list at> wrote:   

 Hi folks, 

Today I noticed today that three of my 1930’s era photos of N&W steam (cab side lettered K1, K2, and E2) have a different color paint or other type of coating on the top third of the stack. Does anyone on this list know what this is?  Maybe some sort of tar to resist damage from acid or other water/combustion by-products?

Attached is the K2; this photo is the best example of this coating.

Matt Goodman
Columbus, Ohio________________________________________
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