N&W Service Pins: The Engine Ain't Right !

NW Mailing List nw-mailing-list at nwhs.org
Sun Jul 21 20:44:55 EDT 2024

Today I was sittin' out in the Turnip Patch, under the Eucalyptus Tree, sippin' m'ah Mint Jewlip an' meditatin' about things as their are and as they are said to be.

An' ah' said to mah'seff,  "Se'ff, da Lokie on them N&W service pinz jess ain't right. That Lokie is 'spozd to be a Class K Mountain, but it looks like th' die engraver made his'seff a 2-8-4."

And then a'h thought to mah'seff, "Boy, you ain't na'thin but an old sod-bustin' Turnip Farmer, so'z ya should really refer this to da Smart People on da Enn & Dubbie List... ya know, da REALLY smart fell'ers, like that Mis'ta Miller dude. He got a good Crystal Ball an' he knowz jess about evuh'thang ! " 

Tach'mint... and waitin' fer yall'z thoughts.  Ya' can find me in da shade down under da Eucalyptus Tree when you reach yo' conclusion.

-- abram burnett
Fightin' Turnip Dis-Information!!!
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