[finders] What Will Be

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Fri May 11 15:21:08 EDT 2007

May 11, 2007: What Will Be


I love hearing from readers, especially when they're teachers. Here's my
very favorite message of today, reprinted with permission.


Mr. Morville:

Thanks so much for your book. I'm reading it for a second time...and will no
doubt read it a third.

I teach a seminar (soon to be a webinar) on research skills for high school
seniors who are bound for college. I open every seminar with this question:
"What could you be, what could you do, what could your life be like, if you
knew that you could find the answer to any question you might ever have,
about anything - and not just about what is, or what has been, but what will

Once I kick out a few examples of such "any questions", I have to be very
careful not to let this introductory discussion overwhelm the entire time
for the seminar!

Now you know why I thank you for your book.

Brian Taylor
Marysville, WA


Makes me want to go back to school. Thanks Brian!

Strange Connections

* I had lunch with Superpatron this week (ten ways to build better

* Thanks to a name change, I'm now on the advisory board of Global

* I'm reading too much. The Black Swan. Fascinating, disturbing, and
addictive. The Art of Forgetting. Not sure I agree. Is Relevance Relevant?
Less and less. Open Source Search Analytics. User-defined best bets? Happy

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