[game_preservation] [Monthly SIG Roundup] December 2008

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Dec 1 19:24:04 EST 2008

Okay to keep it short (deleting 4 paragraphs of stuff) I take the stance
that the IA will at least be able to dark archive any material I upload,
it's the public facing bit a company might take issue with. If they do,
despite the fact it's dubious if captured footage could be considered
any kind of infringement or that it is even damaging (it's not like
you're able to play the game) it'll be dark archived I guess. Pretty
simple, lucky we haven't got any Final Fantasy
material, eh Squaresoft? (crazy guys I think! I saw Video Games Live,
and it had fanart for the Final Fantasy sections!)

So, send anything you have in! More the merrier, the very small amount
of companies who'd take issue with archiving of their game material can
be dealt with in a case by case basis. This is kinda what the IA does
already, according to this nice discussion
where Brewster Khale explains how the IA operates with legality and
archiving material (with Henry being a slight opponent of this).

Good luck on writing your white paper material, I know I need to crack
on with mine too.


Devin Monnens wrote:

> Cool updates, Andrew! I will have to get my part of the paper done

> before Christmas as I JUST got my tickets to Japan (Dec 26-Jan 16). If

> it comes down ot it, I may be able to help edit Section 3 while I'm in

> Japan, but I expect to get most of it done the next two weeks (I ALSO

> have to get my paper done for Albuquerque!).


> Also, we are allowed to upload videos to Internet Archive of intros

> and trailers? I thought some companies didn't like uploading footage

> for legal purposes (Squaresoft, for instance, will sue anyone who

> tries to distribute FF cutscenes).

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