[game_preservation] AMAZING collection of E3 '95 videos!

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Mar 31 03:28:51 EDT 2008

Great videos Devin, I'll add it to the list and put a post up. Let us
know if he gets back to you. (In fact, I mean to email or contact tons
of youtube people to see if they want a permanent download location at
the archive, since they do walkthroughs or tons of in-game stuff and
that would be good to have as well).

And Jim; while Henry or Simon might be more inclined to know the legal
side, if they are promotional material there is likely no real big
problem with uploading the material - for instance, currently I have
been uploading a huge amount of Fileshack videos (currently
concentrating on any "interviews") which mainly means that Fileshack is
the source for the marketing material (for many developers and
publishers which have now shut down!), so causes no issues of borrowing
a watermarked video (which Fileshack doesn't do anyway).

We don't however put up the videos under any licence - it's assumed we
don't have permission for putting it under the Creative Commons,
therefore, it's for self-use/educational/research purposes mainly.

I certainly presume if they are old videos, simply no one will really
care (if the companies which produce them exist at all nowdays) - and as
we know, the biggest barrier currently to fleshing out things like the
archive's video collection is pure apathy and ignorance, right?

Anyway, perhaps, Henry or Simon can chip in with an opinion :)


Jim Leonard wrote:

> Captain Commando wrote:

>> I highly recommend adding this to the resource list. I have also sent

>> him a message through YouTube asking if he would be interested in

>> donating videos to the SIG.


> This reminds me, I have a lot of videos I've been collecting about the

> making of certain games (digital interviews on early "ezines",

> videotapes that came with products such as the WC3 filmcan and 7th

> guest, early promotional videos from Sierra that feature the

> programmers, etc.) and was wondering what the legal ramifications were

> to contribute them somewhere. The historical significance is a given;

> it's the legal issues that have stopped me. I thought of uploading

> them to archive.org but I don't feel their fair use rights (education,

> reference, etc.) would be as protected there as, for example, the SIG.

> Is this something the SIG could receive and host to the public?


> With my experience doing restoration work on the MindCandy DVDs, I've

> gotten really good at making them presentable (even the 15fps

> sub-Youtube ones) so it's a project without a destination...

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