[game_preservation] Preservation Whitepaper Brainstorm Progress

Jim Leonard trixter at oldskool.org
Fri Oct 10 21:09:35 EDT 2008

Andrew Armstrong wrote:

> Regarding the whitepaper, we need some concrete examples of videogame

> loses we've already had. I know there are some collectors on here, so

> this should be easy; a list of videogames which were produced, but are

> now lost (all copies gone, masters deleted, whatever), and unreleased

> games which were lost and will never be recovered (betas, alphas,

> whatever).


> Doesn't have to be a long one, I'm all for brevity.

Some MMOs have come and gone with hardly any record of what the game
looked like, let alone what gameplay was like (ie. recorded video).

The PCjr version of MULE was produced in 4-digit quantities and none are
known to exist in the wild (only a photo of a diskette).
Jim Leonard (trixter at oldskool.org) http://www.oldskool.org/
Help our electronic games project: http://www.mobygames.com/
Or check out some trippy MindCandy at http://www.mindcandydvd.com/
A child borne of the home computer wars: http://trixter.wordpress.com/

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