[game_preservation] GDC 2009 Report, Roundtable Notes

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Thu Apr 2 14:46:24 EDT 2009

Hey all,

I got around to doing my notes from the GDC 2009 meeting and roundtable,
feel free to check them out here:


If anyone sees a point they want to discuss, or want more details on
something specific I can help in this thread. Overall some good
discussion on the legal and ethical issues surrounding preserving
developer's materials, well worth a quick read if you are interested in
that area. We really ran out of time too.

As for the new projects/work, I'll likely write up some briefs for and
put up wiki pages before putting out a call for volunteers to help, but
feel free to say if you are interested! We really need developer input
into a lot of items, and even if you can't put yourself down as a
volunteer, being in touch that you don't mind being contacted for
information on some of the topics would be great - the legal ones are
going to be quite country-specific!

There isn't much amazingly exciting work to do (information and
standards being what people want) - so if anyone has any other
suggestions for things to do, just say :) I've got one suggestion that
I'll be undertaking at least - a better Bibliography/resource
collection/site, which I discussed out of the meeting.


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