[game_preservation] Private SIG meeting at GDC

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Tue Mar 3 02:30:51 EST 2009


Here is some information about the Game Preservation SIG's activities at

First, the annual roundtable is part of the GDC program. It will take
place on Friday, the 27th, from 2.30 to 3.30pm, Room 113, in North
Hall. This meeting is open to all.

Second, this year we will have a private meeting for SIG members and
others who know about it. :-) This meeting will take place just
before the roundtable, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm, in the IGDA's luxurious
private meeting room. The location just happens to be Room 112, right
next door.

I have a couple of agenda items for the private meeting from the NDIIPP
project (the Library of Congress project, as some know it). In the
public meeting, we will review the year's activities and plan for next
year. If you have agenda items, please send them to me and I'll gather
everything up for the meeting(s).


Henry Lowood
Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections;
Film & Media Collections
HRG, Green Library
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004 USA
lowood at stanford.edu; 650-723-4602

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