[game_preservation] AJP and Guru Decapping Project

Devin Monnens dmonnens at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 17:46:18 EST 2009

The American Journal of Play's Fall issue is now out, which features the
IGDA White Paper on Game Preservation! I was so glad to get a copy in the

In addition, I don't think this is listed on the IGDA Projects, but the MAME
guys are working on low-level backups of arcade boards. They are using
high-res digital images to manually backup an arcade rom (costs about $200
per chip). This is done to bypass security software that prevents
traditional data backups. This is really neat as they have detailed
documentation for why the techniques were chosen. In addition, it is some
concrete documentation on how much it costs to accurately back up an arcade


Devin Monnens

The sleep of Reason produces monsters.
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