[game_preservation] Archivist's Burden

Rachel "Sheepy" Donahue donahrm at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 10:14:56 EDT 2009

dd works. If you want to save a tiny bit of space, you might also look at
using something to create a sparse image (empty sectors are not copied..
probably less of a problem with CDs than HDDs). Ddrescue can do this:


I would say getting a full image is first, before worrying about
separating the audio and data.

When/if you do decide to preserve the audio separately, the International
Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives
recommends WAV or BWF. Regardless of format, they and ARSC recommend a
sampling rate of at least 96 kHz with 24 bit resolution.

These may be of interest:

The ARSC Technical Committee's preservation statement


Essential Resources for Audio Preservation

Formats, Evaluation Factors, and Relationships

I can't think of a good reason _not_ to use FLAC, but I'm happy to bug a
few A/V archivists I know if we think it's necessary.

DEFT or BackTrack may come preloaded with imaging automation.

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