[game_preservation] New take on the walkthrough

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Fri Apr 16 14:05:12 EDT 2010

I'm interested to hear why Twitter is important too - for instance, I
find it sometimes humorous to see "in-game characters" or the players of
them twittering, but that is usually done with the people full well
knowing what the game is, not playing it for the first time. Is it just
because it is live? Games are like many types of media and can be
replayed at will at any time aren't they? :) But fair point if it is
interesting and insightful commentary.

There are cases of "first plays" (and I intend to try and get something
similar to a Let's Play but playing through a game the first time
sometime), but yeah, usually done on blogs, sometimes pretty insightful
- I enjoyed reading how do i play game?
(dammit, site is taken over...sigh! I hate internet preservation! :( )
which specifically was half-life, but more humorous since the person was
simply not good at FPS games and only rarely played games at all, and I
found interesting to read, especially on how hard they found it.

For me I think the 140 character limit is a bit...imposing on doing even
full sentences and having things make sense, hard to get how a game is
in my experience! Although at least I guess it is quick (and I guess for
some faster then writing stuff down). I'd also wonder how much the
person was concentrating on the game if they had time to type/text out
messages every few minutes :)

Something to look out for though. Like blogs, tweets can go poof quite
easily, make sure you get a snapshot of it if it is worth keeping around.


On 15/04/2010 23:17, Henry E Lowood wrote:

> Rachel,


> Not sure I get what is significant about using Twitter, as opposed to keeping notes in real-time and then posting them. There are a zillion variations on the theme of recording and commenting on game-play; what would you say is the essential add with using Twitter?


> Henry



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "Rachel \"Sheepy\" Donahue"<donahrm at gmail.com>

> To: "IGDA Game Preservation SIG"<game_preservation at igda.org>

> Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2010 9:19:12 AM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific

> Subject: [game_preservation] New take on the walkthrough


> Relevant to amateur efforts, community created materials and context--


> Two friends of mine have decided to use Twitter record their experiences

> as they play through Interplay's Wasteland. They're both articulate guys,

> so I have high hopes it will turn out to be something spiffy. Now I'm

> wondering if there are other examples of tweet-throughs out there -- seen

> any?


> http://www.mobygames.com/game/wasteland


> http://twitter.com/fabooWasteland/

> http://twitter.com/TheHipWasteland/


> There is of course a long tradition of BBS/Forum posts and walkthroughs,

> but I find the idea of (semi)live-tweeting gameplay super exciting.



> -Rach

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