[game_preservation] Oregon Trail ver 01/01/78

Devin Monnens dmonnens at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 21:15:09 EDT 2010

Posting to the list to mention a little 'digital archaeology' - I
transcribed the code to the BASIC version of Oregon trail from January 1,
1978 posted in Creative Computing May-June 1978 in an article by Don
Rawitsch. Which was very fun because none of the local libraries had actual
physical copies of this (found a microfilm version in the Springs, but if
you get anything from ILL, it looks all blurry).

Anyway, I'm not quite sure how to get this working in an emulator (similar
to how *Highnoon <goog_982714514>* <http://www.mybitbox.com/highnoon/>was
implemented), but I've got the code here if anyone knows how to do this.


Here is a short analysis of the code as well:


I will be integrating this as well as further research into a paper on the
history of the game.

Devin Monnens

The sleep of Reason produces monsters.
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