[game_preservation] Getting involved

Mike Melanson mike at multimedia.cx
Thu Apr 17 00:16:37 EDT 2014

On 4/16/2014 1:10 PM, Scott Sheppard wrote:

> I've been a pretty solid lurker for a couple of years now, and would

> like to become more actively involved in preservation stuff. I haven't

> really had much to contribute to the conversation yet, or I'd comment

> more often.


> Do you all have any suggestions as far as how to get to know folks or

> get involved in any projects?

Do you own any games? Are they all well represented in the MobyGames
database yet?


For the games you own, if there are bits of cover art missing, scan and
submit them. If the game has no screenshots, play it (good excuse to do
so), capture screenshots and submit them. If the game isn't there at
all, then you have a lot of data to contribute.

It might seem like a small contribution but, hey, it's something. :)
I've been contributing for close to a decade. It sometimes dawns on me
that, for certain games, if I hadn't written them up for MobyGames, this
vast collection of human knowledge called the internet would have almost
no record that the game ever existed at all.

-Mike Melanson

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