[LEAPSECS] Two clocks are better than one

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Thu Apr 14 10:26:30 EDT 2011

Tony Finch wrote:

> Rob Seaman wrote:



>> The point is that currently very few need to correct for DUT1, but that redefining UTC would drastically elevate the importance of this issue.


> Wouldn't they just fold the DUT1 correction into the longitude adjustment?

Um. both time and longitude are used for more than pointing telescopes.

Note how the tangled web grows. Rather than fixing POSIX, an attempt is made to retool the physical world. Since the real world hangs together coherently and self-consistently (unlike POSIX), changing one teeny-tiny little atom of existence tumbles down a molehill, then mountain, of cascading demands.

Time? What's a little time? Space? What's a little space?


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