Richard B. Langley lang at unb.ca
Fri Jan 13 09:31:14 EST 2012

Didn't I read on the list that China had reportedly changed its mind
on the proposal and was now in favour of it? But look here:

-- Richard Langley


| Richard B. Langley E-mail:

lang at unb.ca |

| Geodetic Research Laboratory Web: http://www.unb.ca/GGE/


| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Phone: +1 506

453-5142 |

| University of New Brunswick Fax: +1 506

453-4943 |

| Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B

5A3 |

| Fredericton? Where's that? See: http://

www.fredericton.ca/ |

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