[om-list] class types

luke call lacall at onemodel.org
Fri Nov 17 02:10:30 EST 2000

Here's a thought for your feedback, on different uses of "class" in our system. 

One kind of class is simply a name for a query (with possibly cached results), which determines membership. 

Another kind of class (maybe needs a better name) is one you use when creating a new object, and you indicate to the system that it is "like" an existing one. Doing so just provides the benefit of inheritance of behaviors (scripts) and default data. Values at the object level can be "null" or marked to indicate that they are neither inherited nor known locally. Whether to use this type of inheritance for membership, or just to use a query to define membershiop, still eludes me. I currently favor the query approach but practical issues could change that.

Or, perhaps you could say that one object is "like" another if you just want to use the existing one as a starting point to pre-populate data and save entry time, to record either which properties are available or what the values are.

Thoughts? Sometime, I need to go back & reread a lot of the email we've sent to review things like this.


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