[om-list] Arguments against Copyleft

Luke Call lacall at onemodel.org
Fri Dec 21 10:33:58 EST 2001

An interesting article. It seems he assumes corporations will be less 
likely to be comfortable helping GPL products, but I wonder if there's 
much concrete evidence for or against that assumption. I imagine a 
corporation might not feel as comfortable contributing, say, entire new 
subsystems to an application which is GPL if they feel the subsystems 
are confidential and proprietary. Seems would be less of an issue with 
minor patches.

The other thing to remember is that if the corporation makes changes but 
only uses them internally (say, after integrating entire subsystems), 
they don't have to contribute the changes--only if they distribute them. 
So would there be a problem in any case except  where the contributions 
are major, and "confidential and proprietary", and they *do* plan to 
distribute binaries? In that case I think they don't have a 
complaint--use something besides GPL because it wasn't designed for 
that. Maybe I miss something though.

He makes some good points; I still feel GPL is good for what I'm working on.

(ps--the OM project isn't dead, but has been sleeping. I still have 
faith in the power of persistence, even if it takes forever to get 
anywhere. Still looking for ways to get time. Hmm.)

Thanks for the forward.

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