[om-list] me

Lee Howard redder at deanox.com
Mon Mar 18 19:24:11 EST 2002

Most of you (I think) have either met me or know me.

My association with this project is mostly due to my friendship with Tom.
We grew up together in Honeyville, Utah and have remained in frequent
communication since we've moved away.

I'm not sure what role I play in direct relation with the proposed project,
actually, and historically have unintentionally been more of a devil's
advocate more than anything.

I own a computer retail and service store in Logan, Utah, called Deanox.
In December I passed the management reins on to someone else.  I moved to
Kent, Washington to date my girlfriend, Karyn and telecommute to Honolulu,
Hawaii doing web application development, fax systems engineering, and
database programming.


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