[om-list] Introducing myself again ...

Luke Call lacall at onemodel.org
Thu Aug 29 10:07:30 EDT 2002

Thanks for your email; certainly no apology needed (IMHO). I'm working, 
very slowly, on my ideas for OM, and have recently found how to spend 
more time on it in a week, so I still hope to have a bare version .01 
out in several weeks from now. But I keep saying that. My family life 
takes priority over coding much at this phase of things I guess.

Collaboration is a good thing; possible differences between your plans 
and mine are that (IF I understand,) you plan to store text as a primary 
datum, where for OM it should be secondary--info about a document would 
first have to be extracted into an object model to be stored in the 
system (roughly speaking, nouns to objects, adjectives to properties, 
etc), and the document stored as a source material or something. But 
that is not the first emphasis--it will be just to be able to 
conveniently create classes & objects with properties and relate them to 
each other, and manipulate them. Future things would be added afterward. 
Our requirements list might be useful as an overview.

Luke Call

MrM0j0r15n Rajeev the kanehbosm wrote:
> Hello Mr. Packer,
> I am truly sorry for the insufficient introduction i posted earlier.
> ....

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