[om-list] Evernote Alternative?

Luke Call luke350 at onemodel.org
Sat Jun 29 16:58:11 EDT 2019

I'm ccing the OM main discussion list which would be a good place to continue the discussion.

On 06-28 13:13, Ian Darwin wrote:
> On 6/28/19 12:56 PM, Luke Call wrote:
> > I wrote and heavily use the (AGPL) product at http://onemodel.org, which I hope to move to Rust and become again more active in adding features.  I use it every day and have extensive notes organized in various ways 
> > The web site has much more info, including some FAQs 
> Tried the online demo of OM just after your post, and it's down :-)

True.  I started to set it up again just now, but AWS and Chromium are not successfully downloading a keypair for the new Ubuntu instance for some reason (maybe due to a pledge/unveil thing? not immediately clear why).  
But if you have enough interest to work on it (based, say, on the screen shots) it might be worth it for you to just install it anyway, using the instructions.

Feedback always welcome.

> I have done a bunch of mobile apps and slightly *might* be interested in
> doing one for this, though I'd have to spend more time learning the system
> obviously. Is there anything like a REST interface or a callable API that
> could be used (with permissions scheme) to make it available? Should write a
> separate server for that aspect of things?

That sounds great, with discussion.  I have been slow to respond lately but I hopefully always eventually will, and I am very interested in clear, *maintainable* code and reviews (of my code too, if you'd like).  Thanks for looking that far even!  Or just take the code & vision, run with it, and let me know how it goes. :)  But I do hope to get more busy with it.

Yes there is a REST interface, but it hasn't yet been exercised as much as I'd like.  It was basically writing a "rest-ified" wrapper around the database calls that the rest of the system makes, to allow one client to connect to another instance's data, or to link data across OM instances.  I was also, if I stayed with Scala, planning to replace Play with a web framework from Apache, but hadn't done anything about that yet.

> BTW, If it already works in Scala, why move it to Rust? (I'm a Java guy from
> way back)

So am I, actually.  But, thinking of Rust, to be more attractive to devs who are moving away from the JVM, because many seem to love Rust (per that annual poll), to remove one major piece (the JVM) from the installation, gain long-term flexibility (maybe), and a good learning experience for me.  I have much good to say about Scala but it seems to want to pull me toward more complexity than I like (build tools, Play framework...); I have long thought different definable/enforcable levels of Scala would be good so you can have maintainability for different programmer ability levels or team code style preferences (more- or less- functional, more or less java-like, etc), but still the great conceptual headroom it provides without having to switch languages.  But I don't yet know what scala 3 has planned or the real hard-core strengths & limitations of scala native.  My initial (very minimal) reading about Rust suggests that the languages are similar enough (Option type, some functional support) to make translation not too hard.  I've tried to make the code mostly guessable to any programmer (Java or other; not too heavily functional or idiomatic, or maybe that is just the level of scala that I am good at).

Very open to discussion on this.  

Luke Call
Things I want to say to many (a lightly-loading site):
http://lukecall.net  (updated 2019-06-21)

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