[om-list] Fwd: Re: What I feel from your writings

Luke A. Call luke350 at onemodel.org
Wed May 19 10:44:08 EDT 2021

[#7 of 7 forwarded because I forgot to cc: the list earlier]

----- Forwarded message from "Luke A. Call" <luke350 at onemodel.org> -----

Date: Tue, 18 May 2021 10:34:58 -0600
From: "Luke A. Call" <luke350 at onemodel.org>
To: Jean Louis <bugs at gnu.support>
Subject: Re: [om-list] What I feel from your writings

> I do understand your goal, but practically, they can have words, as
> numbers are in representation same as words. However, if you wish to
> help the human understand something, it is better to use language. For
> that reason URL with expression like "download" becomes meaningful by
> itself, not mysterious. If the word ever changes, it does not matter,
> as then it may lose its meaning. But the number symbols may change as
> well, and during the number usage they will have no meaning, so using
> some words in the URL are more useful.

But then the URL can change and the link breaks.  I see no reason the
number (just a unique ID) must ever change.  It is the same concept as
using artificial keys in RDBMS data modeling, for the same reasons that
one avoids natural keys.

> Let us take example from this signature: "Take action in Free Software
> Foundation campaigns:" -- there are many many attributs, relations to
> other objects in one single sentence. The way to understand it as a
> human, would mean we have already got definitions somewhere or we have
> to use a dictionary, but nothing is really connected structurally to
> the sentence.

But if we can use and develop OM to the point where more people use it,
it can displace those other less-helpful systems.  Or the concepts can,
at least, so the model is created as a natural side-effect of using the

> Would we express knowledge by its atomitc relationship model it could
> become easily augmented by people and thus easier understood. Word is
> just a label for a meaning, meaning is in the set of relations or
> associations.

This gives me hope now you are understanding better.

> What I think you have to do is graphical visualization of the concept
> you are presenting.

That is also a possible representation.  There could be many.

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