O-R-G is *now* a small software company.

open-reading-group at o-r-g.com open-reading-group at o-r-g.com
Mon Jan 4 18:25:54 EST 2016

Sixteen years ago today, O-R-G was incorporated. It was the first business day of the new millennium, an auspicious date for a one-person concern masked as a large organization (http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/08/magazine/08FIRM.html). From the start, O-R-G (http://old.o-r-g.com) worked with a fluid group of collaborators including those now better known as http://mgmtdesign.com, http://projectprojects.com, http://stewd.io, and http://lifeofthemind.net. But after about six years of quasi-standard practice, O-R-G had had enough. The studio on 39th Street was vacated and a “Demise Party” held to distribute its contents back to the group who helped assemble it. 

Emptied out, O-R-G became a holding company for Dexter Sinister (http://dextersinister.org), the just-in-time workshop and occasional bookstore set up in a basement on the lower east side of New York. Dexter Sinister ran as a shop for the next five years selling books, staging events, and publishing Dot Dot Dot (http://dot-dot-dot.us). By 2011, the bookstore had run its course and The Serving Library (http://www.servinglibrary.org) was established as a 501c3 non-profit company to publish a semiannual journal and maintain a growing collection of artworks. Dexter Sinister continues actively making art and design projects and The Serving Library continues actively publishing. Meanwhile, the time has come for O-R-G to reassemble itself.

O-R-G is *now* a small software company. O-R-G designs, programs, publishes, and sells apps, websites, screensavers, and other small chunks of code. The new O-R-G website has all the details, here:


Thank you for playing along.

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