Ritual is a machine for the destruction of time.

open-reading-group at o-r-g.com open-reading-group at o-r-g.com
Thu Apr 1 11:10:11 EDT 2021

Dear, dear you,

I hope you're well. How long has it been -- a year, a decade, an aeon -- 
since we last spoke?

Time feels a bit slippery these days. There's so much uncertainty in the 
air -- hours melt into days melt into weeks. Sometimes it's only the 
regularity of certain rituals that keeps us grounded. Just the other day, 
I encountered a phrase that's remained with me:

 	'Ritual is a machine for the destruction of time.'
 	'Ritual is a machine for the destruction of time.'
 	'Ritual is a machine for the destruction of time.'

Just repeating it several times feels like a mantra. In my mind, rituals 
are structures for survival -- individual and collective methods that 
allow us to maintain continuity with the past and the future while also 
dwelling in this hard-to-grasp thing called the 'present.' They can be 
especially important in times such as these: moments of epic reckoning 
with catastrophes of public health, climate change, social and racial 
injustice, and the collapse of familiar systems.

Many artists maintain rituals: daily, weekly, yearly repetitions that 
allow them to sense their own existence. For the past couple of years, my 
annual early-year ritual has been to re-edit and re-release P!DF . . .

(Prem Krishnamurthy from


O-R-G small softwares is happy to re-release a new version of P!DF today, 
April 1, 2021. It marks the fourth year in a row on the same date, but 
this time it's free. Use the link below to download your copy or go for 
contactless delivery with the QR code attached.





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