[StBernard] Commentary from Lisa Levis

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Sep 20 09:18:39 EDT 2005

The two highest leaders in our parish really need to end their pissing match
and start thinking of the people who put them in their positions!

Most of us have lost everything we own and, as we all know St. Bernard
Parish has been invisible to the media, we're depending on information via
the internet. My own experience with the parish website and the sheriff
have been quite disappointing and now, I hope you will pass this on, or at
least warn our other displaced citizens of St. Bernard Parish what may be in
store when they depend on the info being given on this website.

Naturally, I've been reading every word sent out regarding St. Bernard
residents and business owners in regard to their returning to the parish. I
understood that business owners were being allowed to return to their
business as of last Wednesday, Sept.14, but were required to first apply for
a road block pass via internet. I followed the requirements, got shots, got
my road block pass, got gloves, boots, respiratory masks, etc. Then I
rented a u-haul truck and headed to St. Bernard to gather what little I
could from my business. After a 6 hour drive, and after having my road
block pass stamped and signed by the government, I was not allowed to go to
my business, just 2 buildings from where I was stopped. The 2 national
guardsmen at the road block told me they were under strict orders from the
sheriff prohibiting anyone from going any further. I showed them my pass
and pointed to my poor drowned car just a few feet from where they stood. I
did what we all do in St. Bernard Parish, I called someone with some clout.
I was still denied. Now, I realize that the sheriff was too busy stocking
his yacht with budweiser, but when the hell did they change the rules????
Since the sheriff is making the calls now, does this mean the parish is no
longer under marshall law? And if this is so, why is the national guard
still there? Why is no one claiming responsiblity (not that this is unusual
in da parish)? To add insult to injury, as I waited for a return phone call
for help, I watched those same guardsmen allow someone to proceed through
the block so they could stop and take a picture!!!!!

So, not only did I lose my home, my car, my business and livelihood, I
wasted $100 on supplies, $150 on gas, $800 on a rental truck which returned
empty, and a 12 hour drive to and from St. Bernard. Most of us just don't
have that kind of money to waste right now and it especially makes me angry
when I hear "Well, you know, the Junior and Jack are in the middle of their
ongoing power struggle". As if this is some kind of explanation! I'll tell
you, I really hope our residents remember these stupid moves by our leaders,
when we can finally go back home and vote in the next election. Remember
people (and this is strictly my own experiences through this disaster),
evacuees who became prisoners while trying to get to safety, dog-killer
cops, police brutality (I know for a fact, of a friend whose nose was broken
when he was slammed to the ground because he wanted to go to where his
family was and not Texas or Oklahoma or Utah), rescued people at Chalmette
High School who were fed potato chips for 3 days when I personally saw
police officers gathering food and water from a grocery store (had I know
this at the time, I could have brought food to them myself), businesses that
have been burglarized even though "there was no looting in the parish",
police officers and firefighters in boats who made sure every last item in
your home was destroyed, if not by the hurricane and flood waters, than by
the wakes from speeding through the parish in their boats. I'm sure this
list could become neverending if everyone else added their own experiences
so I'll stop now. And if you get the idea that I am pissed off, you're
absolutely right! As a lifelong resident, tax payer and business owner of
18 years in St. Bernard Parish, I want answers! No, forget answers, I want
the truth! And I'm sure many others will agree...

One more thing before I sign off. Though this unacceptable behavior is very
much widespread among officials, police officers and firefighters, I do want
to acknowledge the people in these positions who actually do care about our
citizens and who have spent countless hours rescuing and aiding as many
citizens as they possibly could. It's sad that a shadow has been cast on
the good they've done by a few idiots who are either untrained regarding
disasters, or just plain stupid.

Thanks for listening...
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