[StBernard] Teachers

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed Oct 12 00:05:18 EDT 2005

I agree. All of St. Bernard's teachers need to write Governor Blanco. This
is the time for our government to step up to the plate. If they want us
back in Louisiana, HELP US! Unemployment as income does not work! The only
jobs out there (that we have found) are part time, no benefit, with pay that
equals less than unemployment. Not to mention that after the barely over
minimum wage that is offered, less than 40 hours per week, once you pay for
gas, taxes, etc. you wind up with less money than UI. The red cross benefit
was a one time deal we were told. We have yet to see the UI check and when
we called them, they couldn't tell us anything (maybe we should apply for
that job). FEMA is for rental assistance only and I believe the emergency
food stamps are only through October, although we could probably qualify now
for regular food stamps. Where do you go for Medicaid? We have NEVER been
on assistance and have no clue where to go from here, EXCEPT out of
Louisiana where the teacher salaries are much more! Louisiana's government
needs to step in NOW and help those who cannot find teaching jobs WITH
benefits. I would rather pay for my benefits while earning a living than
have the government pick up the entire tab for us on Medicaid!!!!! I would
think they would prefer it that way!

Cathi Anderson

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