[StBernard] Disaster Food Stamps

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Nov 22 00:05:03 EST 2005

I understand the Disaster Food Stamp program will end this month and we
won't be re-issued for December.

I have a question tho:

how long do i have to spend the money?

i was told in September that i had 90 days from issue to spend the money.
that would be december. following this logic, does that mean i have until
January to spend the food stamps loaded in October. And i have until
January to spend the food stamps loaded in November?

i've tried calling the Food Stamp number listed on the DSS website and get
either a busy signal or no answer.

thanks for any input.

Jesse P.
Arabi, LA
Living in Exile in Slidell

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