[StBernard] Pictures taken

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Nov 29 08:22:15 EST 2005

This is an important letter. The Daily Star, Hammond and the Tangipahoa
Region's Newspaper has contacted me three times since the event.

The first contact was to verify the pleasure of the coverage. Naturally, as
everyone else feels, it was great. I ask you to notify them and thank them
for helping us and the fine coverage provided. Also, if you can find time
to write a letter or email to North Oaks as well, it would be great.

The second contact was asking me to write a weekly article for the Homestyle
section of the Sunday edition. I kind of hesitated, but may do so. What do
you think? I am also asking the editor what exactly does he want...the
direction and what coverage is expected.

The third contact was to ask me to have the picutres identified. The
pictures that are on the group site:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stbernardtangiresidents/ are the ones that I
am needing to have identified. I am horrilble with remembering names and I
was moving about so much, that I did not really hang in there as well as I
should have. If these pictures are identified, then they can be placed in
next week's edition.

Help me!


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