[StBernard] investigations

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Dec 8 23:16:22 EST 2005

"I too have recieved 30-60% and got a #1 and my mother who lives directly
across the street from me on Jones Drive got the same thing. Her inside
walls are moving. The guy next door was 60- 100% because his shed was
destroyed He didnt even have a shed,and my friend next to him got 60-100%
because his front 5 ft of gutter is hanging down. Beside that the inspector
comments are horrible the spelling is terrible. Who did these inspections
and what are their qualifications. My friend on Alexander St her house
wasn't even listed and she has called and called to no avail. As long as
things are being done at this level how do the officials expect the people
to come back to St. Bernard. One more thing where is all of the money that
has been sent for Katrina recovery. I haven't seen it. I am in Marion
Arkansas and they dont even know there was a Katrina unless you are Black.


I can relate the same experiences of racism (yes, the "R" word) directed
towards non-blacks in communities I've encountered whether in Memphis,
Louisiana and Georgia cities. Blacks are given perferencial treatments, are
snickered at in long lines (and have been hollered/cursed towards) where
blacks are the majority there during recovery. When phone calls are made to
agencies, you can detect the tone in black voices who answer (just 10
minutes ago, for example).

People around the U.S. are believing the liberal press that only blacks in
the Superdome/Convention center's press/TV coverage was the norm for all who
was destroyed by the storm. How blatantly misconstrued was the event.. When
so many suffered, one segment of society took advantage to go to Congress
for a political advantage... Strange, even then, I didn't' see a St. Bernard
representative/victim stand before Congressional committees complaining. It
was like "fingernails on a charkboard" to witness the obvious racism in
tones. The last I've heard, all peoples were affected by Katrina and all
peoples were helped OR not helped by FEMA, governments (local and national),

All I know is that none of us were treated to Las Vegas, got special
treatment and "pedestaled" above the rest.

Regarding the inspections, I don't understand 30-60%'s who have a #1 rating.
Shouldn't it be #2 or so? I thought 0-30% would be considered #1's, and
60-100%'s be #3?

Anyhow, may God have mercy on anyone from here on out who is financially
unable to continue past this point, whether it be from lack/no insurance
coverage or have lost everything with little recourse for rebounding.


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