[StBernard] Donations

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Dec 30 11:03:33 EST 2005


I met you at the Relief Spark Christmas party. What is the
criteria for
getting any of the items that you have received ?



There was no criteria. Mr. Charlie posted that he had it and wanted it to go
to the parish, and we had to make two trips to get it all to the parish as
it was quite a bit.
We hope to be back down there soon and plan to just load some up and drive
down the road with it as I cant get the sight of the rubble fishing villages
out of my head and people living on their property in the rubble. I used to
love to go ride down there, and these folks are so resilient yet removed
from a lot of the items in Chalmette.
Email be at gabyhaze at aol.com and I let you know when we get to go down there
again. He had clothing, pillows, blankets, toiletries.


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