Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Jan 17 21:12:37 EST 2006


I have a similar question. I live in the 3600 block of Charles Drive.
One neighbor on our block was rejected for a FEMA trailer because he was
told that he lived in a hazardous area. Someone else told me that he worked
for the company contracted to bulldoze this area because it is a hazrdous
area. If this is how things really are, I would like some honesty from
someone. I don't want to put any money back into my house if it is going to
be a buffer zone for Murphy or declared a hazardous site. It would be bad
enough that we have wasted our time & energy cleaning it out in order to
rebuild, only to be told that we can't. The week of 13 Dec EPA put a flag on
our house to show that they tested the soil outside. EPA was in our
neighborhood again last week-end & confirmed that they had tested my
property. (They couldn't get inside because we had locked the house up. I
requested Murphy to let us know when& nbsp; they were going to test & we
would meet them there to let them in. Obviously, they didn't honor our
request.) On the EPA website I see results for testing that was done after
mine. Why have they avoided putting out our results ? But, most
importantly, I want to know what is going to become of our area. Someone
seems to be in the know, but refuses to inform the residents affected.
Thanks for any information that you can give me.

Sylvia Keller

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