[StBernard] Stinky/Muddy clothes - Why keep?

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Jan 26 22:29:20 EST 2006

<<I was asking for sentimental things - high school letter jacket,
quilt my
90-yea r-old grandmother made, baptismal gown, outfit I took my
home from the hospital in, etc. I am fortunate that I didn't have
recover clothes. I'm sure many had to recover clothes!>>!

I salvaged some fabric items, mostly special items such as some church
paraments/vestments with hand embroidery, christening gowns, and daughter's
special T shirts, some washed to bits, others came out ok/.
I even took a sampling of my quilt fabric and a large piece of hand woven
linen from my great-aunt. The fabric is now bleached looking but I will make
a special Katrina quilt out of it one day when I have a sewing room again.

I did salvage glass dishes, I had a collection of blue glass and most of it
is NOT broken as the hutch turned over backward and the stuff settled on the
mud, without breaking. So, maybe I wont eat of them, but I still have them
and they came as clean as new. So, yes, why not. I saved two big German
steins my now deceased grandparents had bought on one of their trips to
Bavaria. I took my daughter's silver cup she got for her Christening. Never
drank out of it nor ever will. I plan to use my punch bowl for flower
arrangements, or fill it with glass marbles when some day I feel like
frillying my house again I found my baby fork, spoon, and knife, missing
only the teaspoon, these were silver with fairy tale pics and my name
engraved, received at my baptism from my nanny. I saved my German cups with
my hometown name and pic on them. They will hang in my kitchen again,
greeting me in the morning. I salvage what I can because I can.


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