[StBernard] Mold and ALE issues...

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Thu Mar 2 08:21:04 EST 2006

Regarding ALE, I was told, by my insurance adjuster, that once Hurricane
Katrina hit, my house was "unlivable". Period. Just because Hurricane Rita
came along and flooded my home again, and I was not allowed to return again,
the house was still "unlivable". And if an earthquake hit St. Bernard and
the earth swallowed my home, you guessed it, it was still "unlivable". Go


-------Original Message-------

I remember months ago being told that things were safe to return, to now
only find out it isn't. I specifically heard Mr. DiFatta in the government
complex clearly state that there is no reason to fear working on homes
according to the EPA. Now, either the EPA officials have misled us, or they
down right lied to the people and our officials in government, or even worse
yet, they were incompetent in testing for the proper biotoxins. The same
thing happened after 9/11 concerning air quality issues because the EPA felt
"pressured" to release "good" results. As a result, there are thousands of
people, firefighters, police, etc., now suffering with serious lung issues.
If this is truly negligence, they have not only put our community, but all
of the people across America who have generously given their time, and now
maybe their lives to help us rebuild. Are we going to hold the government
accountable for this? I mean, first MRGO, then FEMA, the Army Corp of
Engineers, bad levees, now this...what's next, the oil spill area is larger
than listed? People who had any contact with the oil will have cancer in the
next couple of years and that's what Murphy is hoping for, less
complaintants in suits? I mean, I can't believe this is happening in
America. Where is the accountability...Should we as a parish begin thinking
of a class action lawsuit (NOT WITH SIDNEY TORRES), for not only the parish
but the citizenry as well? When a suit is against the federal government, I
know that the process is seriously shorter in the federal system, even to
get to the Supreme Court. If I remember my civics, it would immediately go
to one of the Circuit Courts and if appealed, straight to the Supreme Court,
3-5 year resolution. Is this an option, the parish would even want to
Second, I have raised a serious argument with the insurance companies
regarding ALE and wonder if there is any input from anyone and if parish
could step forward and help with this...I have argued that there were 3
separate incidents of civil authority forbidding access to the parish-
Katrina, Murphy Spill, and Rita. These issues all occurred over a 6 week
period. In all three cases, people would be entitled to 14 days ALE ($1500-
$2500) depending on your insurance company. Now I'm wondering if I would
have to make 3 separate claims, and if so, would affect deductibles or do
they not apply to Coverage D or ALE on policies. Any input would be great.
Sorry to rant earlier, but this situation is just maddening.

Wendy Hall

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