[StBernard] Pre-Katrina Home Values

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Sun Mar 5 11:02:38 EST 2006

Has anyone above Genie (perferably in the Marietta to Decomine St. area) for
single-story home dwellings, had their houses appraised lately?

I refuse to believe that they are valued in the sub-$95,000 value (Taxation
by Parish Accessor Marlene Vinsanau), as my home in 1997 was appraised for
$110,000 back then. Hasn't the homes rose in price since then and before
Katrina hit? It's going to make a big difference if any buyout is made by
state/federal/local, etc..

Will anything help to solidify the idea that values were booming before
Katrina? Many were figuring that pre-values were up to $120-$130 price
ranges as such..


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