[StBernard] NOLA article

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue Mar 28 22:48:57 EST 2006

OK for anyone interested,

The issue of the portion of the back levee that is just west of Verrett is
this- the Corps of Engineers was authorized to bring the 40 arpent levee
system up to 10 feet and have done so for the vast majority of the levee
system. The portion of the levee that is in question is part of a levee
alingnment drawn back in the mid 1960's. During that time, the community of
Verrett was "reportedly" drawn out of the protection. Now, when the issue
was brought to the council as a need by the Corps to commendere the property
to complete the project, it was discovered that the ground in question was
debatable as a road or a levee- whichever it is is really irrelavant because
the question to the Corps was in terms of the standard that was being used
to complete this project. Much of the levee or road is at or above the ten
feet currently, but the proper slope to the levee was not correct- keep in
mind that it was argued by the corps and Lake Borgne that it was a levee all
along- but not one built to proper standards- sounds very familiar. Anyway-
the Corps admitted that the project would not be completed to a standard
that would be accepted into their system because of the remaining breeches
such as Bayou Rd. splitting it, an culvert at the back of the levee and a
canal that runs under it at the road way.

Several particular points were involved in my position:
1. Just about a quarter of a mile east of the current alignment exists
another opportunity to close the back levee system- a first glance there was
a off the cuff estimate that it would take somewhere between 800k and 1
million dollars to tie that portion in- after further preliminary survey,
it will likely be substantially less- keep in mind that the portion of the
project in question would likely run 200 - 300K and would leave tree debris
behind for the Lake Borgen crews to deal with (although the Corps did
verbally acquiesce and agree to handle the debris.

2. To intentionally cut the community of Verrett out of the protection
again seemed to be a step backwards in today's inclusive envrionment.

3. Tress are great landscape and serve an important role in the wind
barriers when placed in large collections, but if there is a tree in the way
of protecting human life, there is not a question of the human life taking

4. The council further requested immediate action by the Corps to
reallocate the authorized funds to assist in the re-alignment process for
the alternate site.

5. Additionally, the levee in question would have left a need to flood
fight that area as well and would require assistance from the local
government, even had the project gone forward. Why spend money on a project
that is substandard and non-inclusive when an opportunity exists to do it

Hope this helps clarify the issue a little more; if you're not interested in
this one, be patient there is bound to be another decision that will offer
ample material for review. That is what makes the democratic process work.

Good luck and God Bless,

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