[StBernard] Kitchenware Giveaway

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Apr 7 16:08:37 EDT 2006

Westly, I hope you let this email go through, this needs to be addressed!

St. Bernard Parish has been blessed with non-profits giving us what we lost,
and what we need to clean! People coming from out of town, giving up
vacation and retirement time to come help Da Parish. God Bless them all

However, I must voice my disappointment at those residents taking all they
can get free, even if they don't need it. I can't believe the line of cars
waiting for Operation Compassion (next to Splash) ) to open once a week. I
would guess two-thirds of those car's waiting don't need what's being given

I work in social services and seen this over and over again. After the
hurricane I was staying with my brother in Slidell. The Red Cross was
giving out ice chest by Wal-Mart, so I stopped to pick one up because we had
only two ice chest for 20 displaced people. I helped the Red Cross volunteer
open the boxes and all hell broke loose. People came over my back, knocked
me out of the way and was fighting for those ice chest. I just stood there
looking and the Red Cross volunteer was crying. I have witnessed residents
here acting the same way when the DRC first opened,walking away everyday
with shovels, brooms, ice chest, etc.

If you are one of these residents, please only take what you need, and share
the excess with your neighbors. And ask yourself! How can I volunteer to be
a part of rebuilding St. Bernard?


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