[StBernard] Rebuild Definition

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Fri Apr 7 22:04:18 EDT 2006

Hey Cindy,

There is still a hold on demolition by FEMA and DEQ about the approved
process. I can not begin to accurately give you a specific date. Sorry
about the ongoing question about this.

Good luck and God Bless,

-----Original Message-----


Can you also advise if there is a date when those who have signed up for
Demolition should expect to begin to see the houses being razed? My
home in Arabi is next to one blocking the street. As difficult as
it was for me to sign the demolition order, I think that I will feel better
when it has happened. Returning to it, in its collapsing state, to try to
cut the grass and keep it as well as possible, is quite painful and I'm
hopeful that that may pass (even if just a little) when I begin to see the
next step occuring.

Thank you again, Cindy

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