[StBernard] Clean-up

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Tue May 2 21:14:25 EDT 2006

I find myself at a loss for words. We are now in month 9. Our family can see
the light at the end of tunnel as we prepare to start sheetrock work this
month. However, as much progress as St. Bernard has accomplished, there is
so much more that needs to be done and we can't help but wonder how much
longer and how many more FEMA,EPA, DEQ, DOTD hurdles we have to jump
through. With hurricane season starting within 30 days, it is imperative
that we get moving faster--debris and white goods removed, unclogging
drains, removing
loose materials blowing in the wind at damaged homes. My dozen trash
bags have been out for a week with no pickup and thankfully the bags have
not torn open yet. I see refrigerators and appliances still on the curb
since November.

Craig, what about the cleanup St. Bernard Days that was mentioned last
month? How about the last weekend of the month, Memorial Day weekend?.
It just takes the parish to declare it so and put a call out for help from
volunteer groups, friends, relative, residents, past residents, etc. to show
up with brooms, rakes, trash bags. Let the groups find any street or
neighborhood they want with the caveat that they can clean from sidewalk to
sidewalk (which is public right of way) and can assist residents who let
them onto their property.

These are extraordinary times, and we do have some extraordinary people in
the country, the state, and the parish. We can't do it with just the few
people who are returning. We can't do it alone. The saddest part is that
the people who have the time, means, and money (and there are quite a lot of
them, but I won't name names) to clean their exterior of debris and clean
their snake and mosquitoe infested pools, but have the "ain't my problem"
attitude while they wait for a buyer for the house, or wait for a Federal
buy out, or wait hoping someone else does it for them. Meanwhile, they're
moving into new houses elsewhere. And you know what, I probably would do it
for them, but they don't even care enough to ask us. Makes me want to bring
their debris and put it on the lawn of their new home and give them a snake
or two for their new pool and say "ain't my problem".


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