[StBernard] issues

Westley Annis westley at da-parish.com
Wed May 10 00:22:02 EDT 2006

Craig, there were two recent postings that piqued my concern:

Is FEMA really denying pickup of debris from commercial businesses in St.
Bernard? If so, what is the parish doing to get those owners to get it
removed. I know after awhile FEMA refused to pick up debris from
multi-family complexes over 4 apartments and businesses and I wrote a
message about that last month. The owners said they were never told by
Jefferson Parish that FEMA was no longer picking it up.

Has the fingerpointing between Murphy and FEMA/EPA/DEQ been resolved
regarding removal of white goods from the Murphy Oil Spill area and if not,
what will it take to bring it to a head? I don't understand the difference
between IRS telling Murphy it has to pay taxes and Murphy saying no to that.
Seems if the federal govt says you have to, then you have to or you appeal.
What is the status? These white goods have been hanging on since November.

Maybe these issues were discussed at the weekly recovery meeting this week
and will appear in the minutes.

Deborah Keller

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